Legal information
Company name: Esset Belux SRL
Registered office address: Rue des Colonies 56, bte 15 1000 Brussels Belgium
ECB/ VAT: BE0561 751 249
Telephone, fax, e-mail address
Tel : +32 (0)2 779.09.90
Fax : +32 (0)2 894.57.72
E-mail :
Trade name: ESSET or ESSET BELUX
IPI-approved estate agent: 508.167 (Belgium)
IPI insurance: Professional liability and bonding via AXA BELGIUM SA – policy no. 720.390.160
As an estate agent, ESSET BELUX is subject to the supervision of the IPI (Institut professionnel des Agents Immobiliers), established at rue du Luxembourg 16b, 1000 Brussels, and must comply with the code of ethics governing the estate agent profession. The code of ethics can be consulted at the following link: The ethics of the estate agent | BIV (
Bank account: BE49 0017 3404 7071